Saturday, February 27, 2016

Week #6 - Hasta Luego CCM!

Provo MTC
Companions:  Elder Busby and Elder Perry
Zone Leader
                                                                                                Saturday, February 27, 2016

Buenos Dias!

We are going to Wichita!!
Well the last week in the MTC was quite a week. To be honest I can't remember what happened because the days all seemed like one. I feel bad saying that but it's true! It was an amazing last week though, very productive and got a lot of work done. 

My district in the MTC
 " I love my district so much. We are not loooking forward to saying goodbye, we all wish we could be going to the same mission. The bonds we have formed have been great, but know that we are all going to help different people in different places. I am so excited to see the success that these missionaries have. They have strengthened my testimony and helped me as a missionary. I love them love them love them.

We had the General Primary President, Sister Wixom, come and visit us for our Tuesday Devotional. In the choir we sand the song "A Child's Prayer". This is one of my all time favorite songs from Primary, they had little primary kids sing in the choir with us, it was adorable. It really made me miss my little sister Rachel, even though she's not in Primary anymore, that's the Rachel I will always remember. It was so awesome having Sister Wixom come because it rekindled my testimony that I had when I was a little child in Primary. It caused me to reflect on my primary days and realize what amazing teachers and leaders I had in Primary. For those of you who don't know what Primary is, it is the Sunday school that kids age 4-11 go to. It also reminded me of how we need to be like little children. Sometimes we let logic get in the way of our faith in Jesus Christ, they just believe. I think sometimes we need to be that way and just trust in Heavenly Father that what He is doing is what is best for us.
Hermano Humble.  He was the best!!!!

I have a challenge for each family. Each Sunday night before you have your family prayer, have Sunday Share time. It's just where you share what it is that you learned from the day. It will allow you and your kids to focus on keeping the Sabbath Holy and also strengthen each others testimonies. 

Ready for In Field Orientation

We had in-field Orientation!! It honestly wasn't as bad as people said it would be. It made me soooo excited to leave for the field. The one thing that pumped me up was when they talked about our Purpose. We are here to Teach Repentance and Baptize converts. We learned about the importance of members in missionary work. Members, missionaries unfortunately can't talk to every single person that they want to talk with, it's just not possible. In most cases there are only two missionaries in one ward, or two wards. YOU know the people that are ready to hear the gospel. The missionaries need YOUR help to hasten the work. When the members start helping with missionary work, that is when the work begins to explode. Trust your missionaries in your ward, give them referrals. Don't be afraid to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You should be wanting to share it with everyone you know because you know how they can return to live with our Heavenly Father. 

I am excited to be leaving the MTC, it has been a wonderful experience learning how to be a missionary, how to speak the Spanish language, but most importantly realizing that I am a Representative of Jesus Christ. I am so excited to leave for the field and help the people of Kansas with whatever it is that they need help with. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to serve the Lord and the people of Kansas for TWO years. I get to devote all of my time to serving him, every waking minute for two years. Jesus Christ lives, he is our Savior. Because of Him we can live with our families for eternity, we can be rescued from our sins, we can live in the presence of God. I love my big brother, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sorry this e-mail is a little bit scatter brained, it's been a busy day. I love each and every one of you. God bless. Les Quiero!

Con Amor,

Elder Pilkington
Elder Allen!  Stud!

BYU squad!
WOOOHHHH!!! The whole BYU squad!!
Somehow someone got into the districts room...
felt pretty bad.

So our showers were not cleaned for 3 weeks!!
It felt like Christmas morning when we found them sparkling clean!

Poem by Hermana Strode from the District

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week #5 - No Stranger to the Voice of the Lord

Provo MTC
Companions:  Elder Busby and Elder Sperry
Zone Leaders

                                                                                    Saturday, February 20, 2016

Hola Familia y amigos!

Well this week definitely flew by, time is just taking off! I don't know where time went this week. It was very eventful and at the same time I can't remember a asingle thing because we are learning so many different amazing things, but everyday seems like one day. I think this is how time is going to be in the eternities.

Elder William and Elder Keyser
Well to start us off, last p-day was probably the funniest day I have had since being here in the MTC. There are two Elders in our zone, Elder Williams(W) and Elder Keyser (K). They are hysterical together. They walk around wearing these sunglasses, fresh hair, fresh suits, they're so funny. They came down to the laundry room yelling, "we are going skiing AGAIN!! We just got half day passes to go ski in Park City we are pumped!(Side note- as missionaries we are not allowed to be involved in extreme sports or any winter sports) There were these three new Elders who were dumbfounded, "you two get to go skiing??" Elder Keyser" oh yeah, we go every p-day only during our exercise time though, there's a shuttle that takes you right up to the slopes, they have gear for you and everything. As missionaries you get a 40% discount too." Three Elders,"NOO WAY!! that's so awesome I wish we could go!" Elder Williams," oh everyone can go, you should just hit up your Branch President, he will hook you up with tickets." Poor new Elders probably asked their BP if they could go ski.

Elder Soper
Now the reason this week was so awesome is because we had an Apostle of the Lord come and visit us and gave a devotional, Elder Rasband. The spirit those men who are called of God carry with them is so powerful. Before he came he had us read one of his General Conference talks, Divine Call of a Missionary". All of you at home, read it. It's such a powerful talk and so many things to be learned about personal revelation. He had a Q&A and also randomly picked people from the congregation to talk about what they learned. We learned about how our calls are divinely inspired. It strengthened my testimony to know that I am going to Kansas because that's where the Lord needs me to be. I know that I was called to Wichita, Kansas Spanish speaking by a prophet of God. One thing that Elder Rasband said that I know without a doubt in my mind that is true is this,"The leaders of this ch urch are no strangers to the voice of the Lord."Jesus Christ is at the head of  The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He speaks through a living prophet, Thomas S. Monson who receives revelation for all of us to guide us, protect us and lead us back to our Heavenly home. I wish Elder Rasband could have stayed the whole time and talked to us for hours.
Elder Murphy
Elder TiaTia

My companions, Elder Sperry and Elder Busby are the greatest, I love them so much. It's so crazy to think that this is our last week together in the MTC. I am so grateful for the many lessons that I have learned from them and for the great examples that they are to me. I am truly going to miss them when we leave for the field. I thank Heavenly Father every day for the wonderful companions I have. Spanish is coming along, we speak just Spanish now, everyday. It's amazing to see Heavenly Fathers hand in my studies. 
Picture doesn't do it justice.
Bishop Nelson HOOKING us up!!!!

We are finished teaching now for the most part. We are finished with Hermana Cortes which was sooo sad. she was so awesome and such a sweetheart. So cool to see the change that happened in her life. We don't know whether or not she will get baptized since we are leaving but she's set to get baptized. 
Hermana Cortes with Elder Busby, Elder Sperry and Elder Pilkington

Scripture of the week:
D&C 43:15-16
15 Again I say, hearken ye elders of my church, whom I have appointed: Ye are not sent forth to be taught, but to teach the children of men the things which I have put into your hands by the power of my spirit.
16 And ye are to be taught from on high. Sanctify yourselves and ye shall be endowed with power, that ye may be given even as I have spoken.

The book is blue and the church is true. 
Les Amo! Have a wonderful week.

Con Amor,

Elder Pilkington